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Family friendly policies under Labour

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Keir Starmer caused something of a stir recently when he announced that he wouldn't be working past 6:00 PM on a Friday evening. The indignant opposition immediately seized upon his announcement as a weakness, declaring that it was not possible to be a part time Prime Minister. It might be that in setting out his stall to preserve quality time with his own family, he is demonstrating some of the values and intentions already espoused in Labour’s ‘Plan to make work pay - Delivering a new deal for working people’.

Indeed the Labour Party has proposed to bring in the ‘right to switch off’  so that working from home does not result in homes turning into 24/7 offices. We suspect that it may be more difficult for Kier than most since he will be living above the office at No10!

One section of Labour’s plan is devoted to family friendly rights. Whilst acknowledging that the previous government has made some welcome shifts on flexible working, Labour indicate that they intend to go further. 

They have indicated they will ensure that parental leave is a day one right and will also be strengthening maternity rights by making it unlawful to dismiss a woman who is pregnant for six months after her return except in specific circumstances.

Whilst recognising that new legislation for unpaid carers leave was introduced in April 2024 Labour intends to review the implementation of this policy and examine all the benefits of introducing paid carers leave whilst being mindful of the impact of any changes on small employers. It will difficult to achieve the intended balance of improving workers rights without increasing the economic burden on all businesses.

Their final pledge on family friendly rights was to to clarify the law and entitlements on bereavement leave introducing the right for all workers.

It will be interesting to see whether the new government fulfils its pledge of introducing legislation in parliament within 100 days of entering Government.
We will be watching carefully ready to advise  employers as the changes unfold.

If  you need advice on family friendly policies, or any other aspect of employment law, call Joanna Robson on 01827 317070 or email