On Tuesday 28th February 2023, Pickerings’ Employment Law team presented at our bi-annual breakfast seminar at Drayton Manor.
Relevant topics covered included;
Conscious and unconscious bias - we explored how we harness a culture that reinforces positive norms, addresses preconceptions and stereotypes, and how to manage and respond to accusations of this nature in the workplace.
We also delved into whether company policies are truly family friendly and how you can best support your employees during important, life-changing moments. As well as looking at your employee entitlements.
Feedback and answers were given to pre-submitted questions by attendees as well as a round-up of recent Tribunal cases.
Attendee feedback includes:
"I have worked with Pickerings both commercially and personally on varied matters for a decade. They offer a quality and pragmatic, professional service - delivered by a personable team who are able to make the complex simple. I would and have recommended them".
"Pickerings have always been a huge support to our business. They are always at the end of the phone with sound advice, I couldn't function in my role without them!"
Thank you to all of those who attended.
Look out for the next breakfast seminar later in the year, details coming soon.