We are proud to announce that Jo Craddock recently gained the Law Society Children Panel accreditation having successfully completed the rigourous assessment process.
Law Society accredited children lawyers are specialists in dealing with the areas of the law related to children. They can help with matters including:
working out arrangements for children following family breakdowns
if children's services/social services becoming involved with your family
child protection and what to do when you think a child's at risk
adopting a child
your rights to see your children
child custody issues
the legal rights of children
Our accredited Children Law specialists can support:
Adults whose children are 'at risk' or have been taken into care
Congratulations to Jo on having her hard work and dedication to children law recognised in this way.
This means that all our team children solicitors, Richard Westley, Rachel Burchell, Jo Craddock and Graham Pegg, have specialist accreditation.
For advice on Children law matters contact us on 01827 317070 or mail@pickerings-solicitors.com.