Commercial Property Update with Richard Snape

Commercial Property and Property Disutes team L-R Pooja Cheema, Lisa Friel, Kax Chana,Jordan Morrissey, Charlotte Green, Kate Pearce, Lauren Fisher and Sophie Bramwell

On Thursday 18th July our team held a commercial property update seminar at Drayton Manor Hotel. This was our first event of this kind. Commercial property, land and property in general makes a significant part of our work at Pickerings. We are property enthusiasts, and we know that there is a whole community of like-minded people in the region who have a genuine interest in land and property management and development. This was our motivation to start a series of property related events; to bring together a community of property professionals to share knowledge and expertise. 

Our guest speaker, Richard Snape, gave a highly entertaining round up of the current hot topics for commercial property. Richard speaks at numerous courses for law societies all over the country, various public courses, in-house seminars within solicitors’ firms and has also talked extensively to local authorities and central government bodies.  His areas of specialism include both commercial and residential property, in particular in relation to local government law, conveyancing issues, development land, commercial property and incumbrances in relation to land. 

Given the positive feedback received today, we will definitely be holding future commercial property events. If you are a property professional  and would like to be invited to our future events email Commercial Property Events to register  your interest.

Richard Snape and Kate Pearce

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Delegates listening intently