Estate Administration Disputes

Our team has experience in dealing with executor disputes, executor fraud and other problems with personal representatives and estate administration. We act for beneficiaries who have concerns as well as executors and estate administrators who are faced with challenges.
We can advise on issues such as: 

  • Disputes about who should administer the estate
  • Disputes about how the estate will be administered
  • Disputes about the cost of estate administration
  • Delays in probate and estate administration
  • Executor or estate administrator negligence 
  • Executor or estate administrator fraud
  • Concerns about executors/administrators acting improperly
  • Concerns that the personal representative has caused a loss to the estate
  • Concerns regarding the valuation of estate assets
  • Whether assets should be in the estate or were gifted during the lifetime
  • Removal of the executor of a will or in a state administrator
  • Will trust disputes
  • Dealing with challenges to the estate
  • Resolving disputes between executors and beneficiaries
  • Disagreement about the terms of the deceased's will and the rights of beneficiaries
  • Requests by beneficiaries for information about the estate
  • Disputes between personal representatives

If you need professional help to deal with disputes around estate administration contact Kax Chana on 01827 317070 or