News and Events
Emma Harrison
    • Emma Harrison

    • Solicitor - Head of Private Client
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The Importance of Making Lasting Powers of Attorney

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We all know of someone who has suffered a stroke, heart attack or been in a car accident that changed their life forever. Whilst many people have a Will, not so many have Lasting Powers of Attorney in place. There is a lot to be said for living in the...

Recent Government Policy Changes To Wills Effective From 26th July 2023

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The importance of having a will in place is more crucial than ever, given the recent government policy change effective from 26th July 2023. This alteration in the 'statutory legacy' raises the default amount from £270,000 to...

The importance of future planning for you and your family - Dementia Week 15th - 21st May 2023

  • Posted The Office of National Statistics reports that dementia is the leading cause of death in England, followed closely by heart disease and pneumonia. As we get older, all too often we put off thinking about the future and...

Half of wills in the Midlands are out of date

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Research commissioned by Solicitors For the Elderly (SFE) has revealed that over half (51%) of people living in the Midlands who have a will haven't updated it for more than five years, meaning nearly half of wills made in the area are likely to be...

Divorcing? Remember to update your Will

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If you are divorcing or ending a civil partnership, make sure you update your Will. Emma Harrison explains why...

Making a Will? Choose Your Executor with Care

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When you make a Will, you nominate an executor. This is the person you appoint to carry out the wishes left in your Will. Your executor could be a friend, family member or a professional – the most important thing is that you trust them and they feel...